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  • Author: José Ignacio Cano Latorre
  • Author: Sainz-Pardo Clares
  • Author: Umberto Campener
Husbandry and management practices 
in farrowing. Units II. Lactation - Veterinary book - cover book

Husbandry and...

Price $74.79

After providing a comprehensive review of the fundamental aspects of farrowing (physiology, facilities, organization, etc.) in the first volume, in this second volume, the authors focus on the next phase, lactation. From the technical and physiological aspects that affect both the mother and the piglet, to production targets, feeding, health programs on the farm, or personnel management. These are topics that will undoubtedly be helpful in the daily practice of professional veterinary surgeons. As in the previous volume, the authors have achieved a very practical book with rigorous contents, based on their experience and technical literature, accompanied by a large amount of visual material to complement the information given.

El inglés en la consulta veterinaria

El inglés en la...

Price $43.99
Esta obra está dirigida a todos aquellos veterinarios españoles de animales de compañía que tengan o crean que en un momento dado pueden tener clientes con los que tengan que comunicarse en inglés. Muestra, además del vocabulario y las expresiones técnicas básicas, el léxico que resulta comprensible para el cliente. Una parte importante de esta guía de inglés-español/español-inglés es que recoge aquellas expresiones que suelen emplear los clientes de habla inglesa en la consulta, como frases coloquiales, eufemismos, etc., y ofrece, a su vez, consejos para un mejor entendimiento y un óptimo desarrollo de la interacción veterinario-propietario.
Adhesive cementation on natural teeth - Giacomo Derchi, Umberto Campaner - Dentistry Book - Book Cover Adhesive cementation on natural teeth - Giacomo Derchi, Umberto Campaner - Dentistry Book - Book Cover

Adhesive cementation...

Price $136.40

What is the material of the artifact? What are the characteristics of the substrates? Is it possible to adequately isolate the tooth? It is fundamental to answer these questions when performing the assessment before beginning the final and decisive phase of prosthetic restoration: cementation. Cementation is a complex procedure that requires good skills, and its outcome depends on the knowledge of the substrates involved and the choice of the most suitable cement for the specific situation. The materials and techniques used for cementation are described in this text, which is specifically dedicated to prosthetists and to those who practice conservative dentistry. This manual examines each substrate and defines the cementation protocols for all cases in daily practice.