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Diagnosis of Major Poultry Diseases - Veterinary book -cover book - Haroldo Toro - Yehia Saif Diagnosis of Major Poultry Diseases - Veterinary book -cover book - Haroldo Toro - Yehia Saif

Diagnosis of Major Poultry Diseases

Price $92.39

Handy and rigorous book focused on the diagnosis of the main diseases affecting poultry through a practical and visual approach of the topic, and written by prestigious experts with a wide experience in this field. Each disease has been thoroughly reviewed including the most updated information (clinical signs, gross and microscopic pathology, as well as methods of isolation or detection of the etiologic agent(s) and serologic methods for antibody detection) to better understand the content. Numerous graphic resources (images, graphs, tables, flowcharts) have been included to complement the information provided and make the contents understandable and accessible to readers.

Main Diseases in Poultry Farming. Bacterial Infections - cover book - Veterinary book - Hafez Mohamed Hafez - Rüdiger Hauck Main Diseases in Poultry Farming. Bacterial Infections - cover book - Veterinary book - Hafez Mohamed Hafez - Rüdiger Hauck

Main Diseases in Poultry Farming. Bacterial Infections

Price $92.39

Handy and rigorous book focused on the main bacterial infections in poultry farming. It combines relevant information when dealing with the diseases and scientific background information. Each chapter comprises the most updated information to better understand the various infections and numerous high-quality images have been included to complement the information provided.

Broiler Meat Inspection - Veterinary book - cover book - Antonio Lara Moreno Broiler Meat Inspection - Veterinary book - cover book - Antonio Lara Moreno

Broiler Meat Inspection

Price $74.79

Technical book on avian inspection, written by an experienced author in this topic, which tackles the most important findings noticed during broiler meat inspection at abattoirs. After starting with an introduction about poultry inspection, the book describes the most significant conditions (pathologies, rejections due to poor processing, offal for human consumption) found during broiler inspection. Each chapter is divided in three parts clearly differentiated: definition, origin, and responsibilities arising for veterinarian/ inspector. A chapter entirely dedicated to animal welfare is included within this book. It is focused on the major aspects to be considered by veterinarian/inspector under compliance with current legislation. 

Avian infectious laryngotracheitis. Main challenges in poultry farming - Veterinary Book - Poultry - 9788416315789 Avian infectious laryngotracheitis. Main challenges in poultry farming - Veterinary Book - Poultry - 9788416315789

Avian infectious laryngotracheitis. Main challenges in poultry farming

Price $40.69

Handbook entirely dedicated to avian infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), based on a handy and visual approach of the topic. This handbook has been developed by prestigious, highly experienced, and renowned authors, being experts in the area of avian diseases. An up-to-date and complete review has been carried out including the most significant contents, such as etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, etc. A chapter about vaccination has been properly developed in order to provide the main guidelines to avoid vaccination failures and control its prevalence and incidence.

Hatchery Vaccination. Main challenges in poultry farming - Veterinary book - cover book - 
MOHAMED FAIZAL ABDUL-CAREEM Hatchery Vaccination. Main challenges in poultry farming - Veterinary book - cover book - 

Hatchery Vaccination. Main challenges in poultry farming

Price $40.69

The number of new technology vaccines available has been increased worldwide, as well as their widespread use in the poultry industry, especially at hatchery level. Therefore, an updated review with practical and visual approach has been developed in order to highlight the importance of hatchery vaccination in poultry farming, whatever the vaccination technique used (in ovo, subcutaneous or spray vaccination), to control the main diseases affecting this species (infectious bursal disease, Newcastle disease, infectious laryngotracheitis, etc.). This handbook has been written by an expert with wide experience in this field. Numerous graphic resources have been included to complement the information provided and make the contents more understandable and accessible to readers.

Infection bronchitis. Main challenges in poultry farming - Veterinary book - cover book

Infection bronchitis. Main challenges in poultry farming

Price $40.69

Infectious bronchitis is an acute and highly contagious respiratory disease of chickens characterized by respiratory signs comprising gasping, coughing, sneezing, tracheal rales and nasal discharge. In addition, severe respiratory distress may occur in young chickens. Respiratory distress, decrease in egg production, and loss of internal egg quality and eggshell quality have been reported in layers. Some strains of the virus produce severe kidney damage and may be associated with high mortality.

Marek’s disease. Main challenges in poultry farming - Veterinary book - cover book - Mohamed Faizal Abdul-Careem Marek’s disease. Main challenges in poultry farming - Veterinary book - cover book - Mohamed Faizal Abdul-Careem

Marek’s disease. Main challenges in poultry farming

Price $40.69

Atlas entirely dedicated to infectious bursal disease based on a practical and graphic approach of the topic. This handbook has been carried out by highly experienced authors closely involved with this disease in Africa, where its prevalence and incidence are significant. This updated work has been carefully developed including the most essential contents, so that it depicts a valuable tool to cope and control this virus as far as possible. Includes many helpful tips and visual graphic resources provided by the authors to enrich and turn this atlas into a reference in its field. Furthermore, diagnosis and vaccination have been thoroughly explained, highlighting vaccination programmes and types of vaccines. The atlas format helps to make the contents understandable for readers. 

Vaccination in poultry - Dentistry Book - VACCINATION AGAINST VIRAL DISEASES - Poultry - 9788494297656 Vaccination in poultry - Dentistry Book - VACCINATION AGAINST VIRAL DISEASES - Poultry - 9788494297656

Vaccination in poultry

Price $95.69

Vaccination is one of the cornerstones of poultry production. In fact, it is one of the aspects that most influence production parameters in the poultry industry. In broilers, the optimum time of vaccination should aim at obtaining the maximum meat yield. In layers and breeders, both time and the route of administration have an influence in the quality of egg shells and the number of eggs per laying, among others.

Immunosuppressive Diseases of Poultry - Veterinary book - cover book - Isabel M. Gimeno Immunosuppressive Diseases of Poultry - Veterinary book - cover book - Isabel M. Gimeno

Immunosuppressive Diseases of Poultry

Price $95.69

The goal of this work is to present the reader with the most common diseases that can produce immunosuppression in poultry, provide guidance for the diagnosis of immunosuppressive diseases, and examine the challenges that a diagnostician may face in confirming a diagnosis of immunosuppression. The book will feature an extensive collection of color photographs depicting gross and microscopic images.

In Ovo Techniques and Treatments in Poultry Eggs - Veterinary book - cover book - Alagawany Mahmoud - Ragab Farag Mayada

In Ovo Techniques and Treatments in Poultry Eggs

Price $61.59

This book provides a comprehensive review of in ovo techniques and treatments in poultry eggs, which are aimed at improving embryonic development and decreasing economic losses in poultry farms. The book is divided into four chapters, which address the basics of in ovo techniques and sites of in ovo injection, nutrient utilisation for the development of the chick embryo, the role of early in ovo feeding for the chick embryo, and applications of in ovo technology for various nutrients and biological supplements in poultry.