Edra Publishing Books - Medicine


Edra Publishing's Medicine Book Collection offers a broad number of titles to cover all the relevant topics for Professionals and Students. Our Authors are the maximum experts in their fields and are recognized from the international communities; Edra Publishing's goals is to offer the best knowledge possible to help Doctors to stay updated and to finally improve healthcare worldwide.

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Emdr And Panic Disorder - Medicine book - Cover book - Elisa Faretta - 9781957260082 - EMDR protocol Emdr And Panic Disorder - Medicine book - Cover book - Elisa Faretta - 9781957260082 - EMDR protocol

Emdr And Panic Disorder

Price $75.90

Among the anxiety disorders, Panic Disorder (PD) is one of the most common forms of psychological distress in contemporary societies, often present in comorbidities with depressive disorders or addictions. It is extremely debilitating, and frequently associated with high levels of social, occupational, and physical disability. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reproces¬sing) is the first choice to treat traumatic or stress related disorders, and for several years has also been demonstrably effective in PD.

Nutrition and supplementation for sport and physical performance - nutrition - sport - Massimo Spattini - Medicine Book Nutrition and supplementation for sport and physical performance - nutrition - sport - Massimo Spattini - Medicine Book

Nutrition and Supplementation for Sport and Physical Performance

Price $78.10

This book helps athletes in managing nutrition and choosing supplements that improve athletic performance, based on strong scientific evidence and in complete safety. It covers all the main types of physical activity, from the gym to cycling, from running to crossfit, considering also the needs of special categories of sportsmen. Specific nutritional approaches, such as the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, are also described. 86 data sheets report the features and properties supplements that allow an optimal performance. Each supplement is assigned a score, to allow the reader to evaluate its effectiveness in improving the parameters that influence athletic performance (strength, resistant strength, mass, endurance, weight loss, concentration, recovery).

Mountain Emergency Medicine - Medicine Books - Book Cover - Mountain Emergency - Extreme Sports Medicine Mountain Emergency Medicine - Medicine Books - Book Cover - Mountain Emergency - Extreme Sports Medicine

Mountain Emergency Medicine

Price $191.40

Mountain Emergency Medicine has seen exponential development due to the ever-increasing number of people who hike or trek as well as practice extreme sports. Emergency physicians and nurses need to be equipped with the necessary training to be able to manage “on the field” accidents and sicknesses as well as their own physical security. Theoretical knowledge is generally of high level but practical expertise is dangerously lacking in many operators. Furthermore, treatment modalities on the field have not been completely codified and are not supported by internationally-accepted guidelines. This book is the first to offer a complete and thorough approach to this field of Emergency Medicine based on the latest research findings.

Clinical interpretation of acid-base and electrolyte disorders. Case studies - Medicine Book - Clinical Medicine Clinical interpretation of acid-base and electrolyte disorders. Case studies - Medicine Book - Clinical Medicine

Clinical interpretation of acid-base and electrolyte disorders. Case studies

Price $93.50

In clinical medicine and in emergency medicine especially, is crucial to understand and manage the acid-base and electrolyte disorders. This text, the result of years of clinical and educational activity, is organized in three parts: acid-base balance, water and sodium and electrolytes. Clinical interpretation and therapy are discussed through clinical cases that are the main educational tools.

Food Intollerance are a myth - The inflammatory relationship between food and health is finally explained in a scientific way Food Intollerance are a myth - The inflammatory relationship between food and health is finally explained in a scientific way
  • Online only

Food Intollerance are a myth - The inflammatory relationship between food and healthis finally explained in a scientific way

Price $34.10

The immunologist and bestselling author Attilio Speciani dispels the clichés about so-called ‘food intolerances’ and guides the reader to a healthy and better relationship with food. Colitis, migraines, hormonal changes, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, imbalances of metabolism and many other disorders, from the most common to the most severe, are often related to diet. There is a close relationship between food and health, and when the natural and physiological relationship with food changes, due to food excesses or the repeated introduction of food, the organism generates measurable inflammatory signals that induce and maintain many conditions or diseases.

Pharmaceutical Resilience. How to Govern the Evolution of Treatments - cover book - Luca Pani - Medicine book Pharmaceutical Resilience. How to Govern the Evolution of Treatments - cover book - Luca Pani - Medicine book

Pharmaceutical Resilience. How to Govern the Evolution of Treatments

Price $27.50

The world of health is undergoing a significant evolution. Pharmaceutical Resilience shows a compass to orient ourselves in this growing complexity which is the result of the convergence of three macro-phenomena: the growing pressure to which public health budgets are subject; the evolution of the consumer patient; and the impact of technology.

Psyco Neuro Endocrine Immunology and the science of the integrated medical treatment - The manual - Cover - Medicine Book Psyco Neuro Endocrine Immunology and the science of the integrated medical treatment - The manual - Cover - Medicine Book

Psyco Neuro Endocrine Immunology and the science of the integrated medical treatment - The manual

Price $119.90

In this book PNEI paradigm presents itself in its full extension: from the description of the historical and philosophical bases to the biological revolution underway; from the description of nervous, neuroendocrine, immune, and psychic systems and their reciprocal influences; to the modulation tools of the human network for preventive and therapeutic uses.


FOOD, EATING AND NUTRITION: a multidisciplinary approach

Price $108.90

The first aim of the book Food, Eating and Nutrition: A multidisciplinary approach was to explore the common ground between all the professionals working within or around the area of the mouth and on the mechanics of eating food such as dentists, speech pathologists, lactation consultants or otolaryngologists. However, this project, over time, thanks to the contributions of many specialists, has come to include the impact of food on the whole body by focusing on functions, organs and on how eating keeps us in health or in disease.

Ultrasound-guided nerve blocks of the trunk and abdominal wall - Medicine book - cover book - 9788821454899

Ultrasound-guided nerve blocks of the trunk and abdominal wall

Price $104.50

Due to the introduction of ultrasound, the acquisition of new anatomy and sonoanatomy knowledge, as well as recent discoveries on the role of the fascia, regional anesthesia has undergone a process of "evolution-revolution" in the last decade and now is playing a key-role in surgery and postoperative pain management, allowing opioid-sparing or opioid-free strategies, in line with the ERAS pathway.

Reasons to be an OMNIVORE

Reasons to be an OMNIVORE

Price $48.40

Reasons to be OMNIVORE explores the omnivorous condition of humans, analyzes the major challenges that the world faces to eradicate hunger, studies the production of food necessary for a growing population, with due respect owes to animal welfare. Without dodging any subject, like laboratory experimentation with living beings, vaccines or feeding pets, the book approaches the ethics considerations with rigor and based on statistics.

The book is now available for shipping!

Neuromuscular Taping - From Theory to Practice - Medicine Book - David Blow - 9781467530361

Neuromuscular Taping - From Theory to Practice

Price $68.75

A  new  application  method  and  a  different  clinical  reasoning  compared  to  other  types  of  taping  and bandaging are the basis of the NeuroMuscular decompressive and compressive taping technique. To illustrate  this  innovative  rehabilitation  treatment,  this  book  aims  to  answer  these  fundamental questions: When is NeuroMuscular Taping applied? How is it applied? What clinical advantages does it offer?

Easy Colposcopy. Full Immersion - Medicine book - Giovanni Miniello - 9788821449826 Easy Colposcopy. Full Immersion - Medicine book - Giovanni Miniello - 9788821449826

Easy Colposcopy. Full Immersion

Price $49.50

This practical atlas presents colposcopy in detail. It offers an innovative but extremely explanatory approach, to the benefit of space given to numerous didactic diagrams made with computer graphics and about 500 colpophotographs whose quality has received enthusiastic acclaim from the most authoritative international experts of Colposcopy. The author includes extremely clear images of squamous metaplasia’s maturation phases, dysplastic lesions, carcinoma of the cervix and rare colposcopic cases.

Atlas of Nasal Cytology for the Differential Diagnosis of Nasal Diseases - Medicine Book - Matteo Gelardi - 9781467530354

Atlas of Nasal Cytology for the Differential Diagnosis of Nasal Diseases

Price $82.50

Although nasal cytology is still a little used diagnostic approach, it has often proved to be decisive: it makes it possible to distinguish between different forms of rhinopathy – inflammatory from infectious, allergic from non-allergic vasomotor, and bacterial from viral and fungal forms, as well as to diagnose the presence, in the same patient, of various “overlapping” forms. 

Aortic Complexities - Medicine Book - Germano Melissano - Roberto Chiesa - 9788870516630

Aortic Complexities

Price $89.38

Treatments for aortic diseases have undergone explosive advances in the last decade. So too has our understanding of aortic disease processes. This progress in understanding and available treatments has come with the cost of increasing complexity. Roberto Chiesa and Germano Melissano have edited a unique jewel of a book which deals with the many complexities of these advances in the pathogenesis of aortic diseases, their endovascular and open treatments and the management of treatment complications.

NST Spinal Integration - Michael Nixon-Livy - Medicine Book - 978-88-7051-719-4

NST Spinal Integration

Price $68.75

This unique book is a full exposé of the Neurostructural Integration Technique – NST from its genesis, through its development, into its theory, philosophy and ultimately hands-on practice.

Over 230 specific medical images and supporting explanations blend, to deliver a step by step guide, that provides access to an invaluable clinical technique for chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists and all professionals working with the spine and musculoskeletal system, in the pursuits of rapid pain removal and performance enhancement.

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - Medicine Book- Levent Özçakar -

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Price $82.50

In recent years, musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSUS) has achieved an important role not only in clinical applications (for diagnosis and management of various musculoskeletal disorders), but also in research, due to its several advantages (being convenient, inexpensive, non-invasive, repeatable, providing high-resolution dynamic and comparative imaging, and not requiring any exposure to radiation). 

Handbook of Kinesiology

Handbook of Kinesiology

Price $75.90

Covering neurophysiology, biomechanics, functional anatomy, joint and muscle evaluation, the Handbook of Kinesiology is a concise and exhaustive guide to understand the human movement. In particular, it provides the essential elements to evaluate the mobility of all joints and the strength of the main muscles.