This book, focused on the most remarkable facts linked to porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) and related diseases, places special emphasis on aspects connected with immunity, diagnosis and proper use of vaccines, which have brought about a revolution in the subclinical control of PCV2 since mid/late 2000s due to their great efficacy.
This book presents, in a rationale and practical manner, the main facts that veterinary students and professionals should know in order to deal with PCV2 and related diseases. Besides general knowledge on the virus and pathogenesis, major emphasis is focused on the immunity, diagnosis and proper use of vaccines. Noteworthy, epidemiology, clinical signs and lesions are fundamental cornerstones to revisit. The author is one of the most prolific researchers on PCVD. He has contributed greatly in terms of expanding knowledge and has laid the foundation for further progress and knowledge of the virus and the associated diseases, thus creating an original and at the same time consistent book with the scientific state of the art.
Joaquim Segalés
He obtained his DVM from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 1991. In 1996, he was awarded a PhD from the UAB. He also conducted his PhD research at the University of Minnesota for 15 months. In 2000, he was board certified by the European College of Veterinary Pathologists (ECVP), and is a founding member of the European College of Porcine Health and Management (ECPHM). Currently, he is Director of the Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA) and Associate Professor at the Veterinary School of the UAB (main subjects: pathology and swine clinics). Besides, he is President of the ECPHM for the period 2013-2016. He has been working as a Diagnostician at the Department of Pathology of the School of Veterinary Medicine of the UAB since 1996. He was responsible for the Pathological Diagnostic Service in Swine of the UAB (1996-2012). He has been involved in swine disease research since 1993, mainly on infectious diseases (including infections caused by the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSv), Aujeszky’s disease virus, porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), swine hepatitis E virus, swine Torque teno sus viruses (TTSuV), Haemophilus parasuis and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae). He has co-authored more than 200 articles in international peer-reviewed journals.
Table of contents:
1 PCV2: Where are we coming from?
2 The virus and the pathogenesis: Simple things causing complicated outcomes
The virus
Pathogenesis of PCV2 infections
PCV2-SD reproduction models
3 Epidemiology
Distribution of genotypes
Species susceptibility
Risk factors for PCV2-SD development
4 Recognizing infections caused by PCV2: Clinical and pathological findings
Clinical signs
Pathological findings
5 Do we know how to diagnose PCV2 infections/diseases?
Laboratory techniques to detect PCV2
In situ hybridization (ISH) and immunohistochemistry (IHC)
Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)
Standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Laboratory techniques to detect antibodies against PCV2
Diagnostic criteria for PCVDs
Porcine circovirus type 2-systemic disease (PCV2-SD)
Porcine circovirus type 2-subclinical infection (PCV2-SI)
Porcine circovirus type 2-reproductive disease (PCV2-RD)
Porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome (PDNS)
Differential diagnosis
6 PCV2 immunity: A double-edged sword?
PCV2 and immunomodulation
Adaptive immune responses against PCV2
Humoral immunity
Cellular immunity
Immunostimulation and immunosuppression in PCV2-SD: the double-edged sword
7 Disease control without vaccination
Management and zootechnical measures
Concurrent infections
Stimulation of the immune system
“Serum therapy”
PCV2 status of the sow
Can we control PCV2-SD without vaccination?
8 The advent of PCV2 vaccines: From experiments to the market
9 Facts about PCV2 vaccines
Commercial PCV2 vaccines
Vaccination of gilts/sows and boars
Effect on piglets
Effect on gilts/sows
Effect on boars
Vaccination of piglets
Mechanisms of vaccine-induced protection
10 The use of PCV2 vaccines: How, when, whom?
Vaccination against PCV2
Convenience of vaccinating piglets or breeding stock or both
Timing of piglet vaccination
Is vaccination failure a concern?
PCV2 vaccination in the future
11 Conclusions
12 Recommended literature
Data sheet
Specific References