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  • Author: Blanco Gutiérrez
  • Author: Graziana Baraghini
  • Author: Graziana Baraghini
  • Author: Graziana Baraghini
  • Author: Graziana Baraghini
  • Author: Graziana Baraghini
  • Author: Graziana Baraghini
  • Author: Graziana Baraghini
  • Author: Jorge Martínez
Handbook of laboratory diagnosis in swine - Veterinary book - cover book - Joaquim Castellà - Joaquim Segalés - Jorge Martínez

Handbook of laboratory...

Price $54.99

This useful handbook describes in detail the entire process of diagnosis, collection and sending of samples to the laboratory, the interpretation of findings, and the description of the basic laboratory techniques. It goes deeper into the knowledge of the different swine pathologies and clearly exposes the different pathologies using flow charts that will guide veterinary surgeons through the diagnostic process. At the end of each chapter there is a clinical case that completes the information offered.

Atlas de información al propietario Inmunología y enfermedades transmisibles

Atlas de información...

Price $92.99
En este atlas se presentan de una manera gráfica y sencilla los mecanismos que intervienen en la respuesta inmunitaria del perro y del gato, y se describen las enfermedades de etiología infecciosa y parasitaria más importantes, así como las estrategias a seguir para su prevención. Se pretende dar especial relevancia a los procesos patológicos de base inmunológica, tales como las alergias, las dermatitis o las posibles reacciones adversas a las transfusiones, así como a la vacunación. Este atlas aspira ser un apoyo para el veterinario en la presentación de estos aspectos, tan relevantes y complejos, a los propietarios de los animales de una manera sencilla pero precisa. De esta forma, los propietarios podrán comprender cómo se desarrollan algunas de las enfermedades más
Manual gráfico de inmunología y enfermedades infecciosas en vacuno

Manual gráfico de...

Price $92.99
El libro “Manual gráfico de inmunología y enfermedades infecciosas en vacuno” es una obra innovadora que presenta los aspectos fundamentales sobre la inmunología básica y la respuesta inmunitaria, y las principales enfermedades susceptibles de vacunación en ganado bovino y las medidas para su control y vacunación, de una manera ilustrada y didáctica. La precisión de los contenidos, junto con las detalladas ilustraciones e infografías, ayudarán al veterinario a consolidar sus conocimientos sobre esta temática. Asimismo, la amplia experiencia docente de sus autores confiere a la obra un tono didáctico y sencillo a la hora de tratar unas disciplinas que siempre han resultado complejas.
Manual gráfico de inmunología y enfermedades infecciosas del perro y el gato

Manual gráfico de...

Price $92.99
El libro "Manual gráfico de inmunología y enfermedades infecciosas del perro y el gato" es una obra innovadora que presenta los aspectos fundamentales sobre la inmunología básica y las enfermedades infecciosas caninas y felinas más importantes de una manera ilustrada y didáctica. La precisión de los contenidos, junto con las detalladas ilustraciones, ayudarán al veterinario a consolidar sus conocimientos sobre esta temática. Asimismo, la amplia experiencia docente de sus autores confiere a la obra un tono didáctico y sencillo a la hora de tratar unas disciplinas que siempre han resultado complejas.
Endodontic surgery or microsurgical endodontics? - Part I - Continuous Education - Dentistry Webinar

Endodontic surgery or...

Price $89.99

Occasionally, a nonsurgical root canal procedure won't be enough to save a tooth, and endodontic surgery will be recommended. Advanced technologies like digital imaging and operating microscopes allow these procedures to be performed quickly, comfortably, and successfully.

First release 1.1.2023 - Available until 12.31.2023

Endodontic surgery or microsurgical endodontics? - Part II - Dentistry Webinar - Continuous Education

Endodontic surgery or...

Price $89.99

Sometimes, a nonsurgical root canal procedure is not enough to save a tooth, and endodontic surgery is recommended.

Techniques, materials, and knowledge are essential to make microsurgical endodontics approaches accurate and predictable in treating endodontic lesions.

First release 1.1.2023 - Available until 12.31.2023

Digital Endodontics: the...

Digital Endodontics:...

Price $89.99

For years, two-dimensional (2D) radiographic examinations, dental panoramic, and periapical radiographs have been used.

The interpretation of a two-dimensional image can be complicated by several factors, including the anatomical area and the overlap of other teeth and surrounding dentoalveolar structures.

These problems can be overcome by using images obtained with small or otherwise limited volumes of Cone Beam Computed Tomography, which provides accurate three-dimensional images of the teeth and surrounding dentoalveolar structures. CBCT gives dentists the advantage of being able to carry out correct diagnoses and, above all, correct treatment plans.

First release 1.1.2023 - Available until 12.31.2023

The use of MTA in nonsurgical endodontics - Dentistry Webinar - Continuous Education - CE - Castellucci

The use of MTA in...

Price $89.99

The use of MTA in nonsurgical endodontics: direct pulp capping and treatment of immature apices with the “Apical Barrier Technique”

In the late 90s, Dr. Mahmoud Torabinejad of Loma Linda University, California, developed a new cement named Mineral Trioxide Aggregate which appears to have all of the characteristics requested of the ideal cement to seal pathways of communications between the pulp and the oral cavity (mechanical and carious pulp exposures), and between the root canal system and the periodontium (iatrogenic perforations, open apices, resorbed apices, root-end preparations).

First release 1.1.2023 - Available until 12.31.2023

Long, short, or just right? Modern techniques to determine an accurate working length in Endodontics - CE

Long, short, or just...

Price $89.99

Successful endodontic treatment depends on completely removing the contents of the root canal system and sealing all communication pathways between the endodontium and periodontium. In other words, the result of endodontic treatment must be the same as obtained with the extraction of a compromised tooth.

First release 1.1.2023 - Available until 12.31.2023

The endodontic Glide Path. The secret for a safe use of Rotary NiTi Files - Dentistry Webinar - CE

The endodontic Glide...

Price $89.99

The extraordinary characteristic of super elasticity and strength of the NiTi alloy has made it possible to produce rotary instruments capable of assuring a perfect shaping reproducible with the use of very few instruments, in a short time, without the need for the operator to have the above average manual skills.

First release 1.1.2023 - Available until 12.31.2023

“Next” Endo generation instruments: the use of ProTaper Next - Castellucci - Dentistry Webinar - CE

“Next” Endo generation...

Price $89.99

The new ProTaper Next NiTi rotary files represent the latest generation of NiTi rotary files. Thanks to this new tool, we can now more easily achieve the shape of the root canal after preliminary canal enlargement and negotiation of the glide path.

First release 1.1.2023 - Available until 12.31.2023