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  • Author: Clara;Vega García
  • Author: Guido Picciocchi
  • Author: Mª Teresa Cutulí de Simón
Graphic Handbook of Inmunology and Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat - Veterinary book - cover book

Graphic Handbook of...

Price $102.29

This innovative book presents the fundamental aspects of basic immunology and the most important dog and cat infectious diseases in an illustrated and educational way. The accuracy of the contents, together with the detailed illustrations, will help the veterinarian to consolidate his or her knowledge on this subject. Also, the extensive teaching experience of the authors gives the piece a didactic and simple tone when treating this complex discipline.

Esthetic Implants - book details - dentistry book - Guido Picciocchi -Mario Gisotti - Diego Lops Esthetic Implants - book details - dentistry book - Guido Picciocchi -Mario Gisotti - Diego Lops

Esthetic Implants. How...

Price $228.80

Nowadays, patients not only require restoring an edentulous site, but they would like to smile again, have their self-confidence restored and express it in their social life, working life and spare time at their best. In the book you found a collection of anterior implant cases, where each aspect of the treatment is considered with a global approach. On this site you’ll find extraordinary video animations about: periodontal plastic surgery of the parabolas before the finalization of a case with a global approach to smiling; ridge preservation for restore 3D bone volumes in sites of high esthetic value; connective graft to increase vestibular volumes of peri-implant tissue and PubMed linked references.

Principales retos en avicultura. Salmonelosis

Principales retos en...

Price $40.99
Este manual está dedicado enteramente a la salmonelosis aviar basado en un enfoque práctico y visual del tema. Al ser un problema grave de salud pública, la salmonelosis aviar es una enfermedad muy importante que todo veterinario dedicado a la industria avícola debe conocer, controlar y prevenir. Esta guía servirá de ayuda a los especialistas para comprender, diagnosticar, tratar y controlar esta enfermedad y así contribuir a mantener un estado óptimo de salud en los animales y los consumidores finales. Se incluyen medidas y recomendaciones de vacunación con el fin de proporcionar pautas para evitar los fallos de vacunación y controlar la prevalencia e incidencia de la enfermedad. Se han incluido temas como el control del manejo y la bioseguridad con el fin de completar