This innovative book presents the fundamental aspects of basic immunology and the most important dog and cat infectious diseases in an illustrated and educational way. The accuracy of the contents, together with the detailed illustrations, will help the veterinarian to consolidate his or her knowledge on this subject. Also, the extensive teaching experience of the authors gives the piece a didactic and simple tone when treating this complex discipline.
This innovative book presents the fundamental aspects of basic immunology and the most important dog and cat infectious diseases in an illustrated and educational way. The accuracy of the contents, together with the detailed illustrations, will help the veterinarian to consolidate his or her knowledge on this subject. Also, the extensive teaching experience of the authors gives the piece a didactic and simple tone when treating this complex discipline.
Dr. Ma del Mar Blanco Gutiérrez (Coordinator)
She graduated and obtained her PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). During her whole professional career she has focused her teaching and research on the fields of Microbiology and Immunology. She has taught undergraduate and master’s students as well as specialised training and postgraduate courses, and completed teaching assignments in Italy, Portugal and France as part of the Erasmus Staff Mobility Programme. She has participated in the writing and translation of several books on Veterinary Medicine and has designed and prepared educational materials as part of projects for innovative teaching. She is the author of numerous scientific publications in specialised international and national journals, as well as review and science popularisation articles. She was a visiting researcher at different institutions in Europe and the USA, where she focused her work on the study of several aspects of the pathogen-host interaction.
Dr. José Antonio Orden Gutiérrez (Coordinator)
He graduated and obtained his PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the UCM. He has focused his research on the fields of Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases. He has published more than 60 articles in journals listed in the Journal Citation Reports, of which he is the primary author of approximately half of them. In addition, he is the author of several research and science popularisation articles published in specialised national journals and has participated in the writing of several books. He was a visiting researcher at the Washington State University (United States), where he worked on lymphocyte differentiation molecules. He teaches undergraduate courses, mainly in the area of Infectious Diseases, as well as postgraduate courses.
Dr. Mª Teresa Cutuli de Simón
She graduated and obtained her PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the UCM. She teaches the subjects of Microbiology and Immunology and Clinical Microbiology at undergraduate level as well as postgraduate courses. She is the Head of the Sub-Service of Mycology, Service of Microbiology and Clinical Parasitology, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, UCM. She is co-author of the Manual de Microbiología Veterinaria, Manual de Inmunología Veterinaria and Guía práctica para Identificación y Diagnóstico en Micología Clínica. She collaborates actively in the Innovative Education Projects of the UCM: “Virtual Laboratory of Veterinary Microbiology”, “Basic Immunotrivial Pursuit”, “Advanced Immunotrivial Pursuit” and “Viropolis: a game to know more about Virology”. In addition, she is the author of several national and international specialised scientific publications and review and science popularisation articles. She carries out her research on the biocontrol of mites and on the study of the pathogen-host interaction in trout lactococcosis.
Dr. Ana Doménech Gómez
She graduated and obtained her PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the UCM. She is Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She is a member of the Spanish Society for Virology, European Society for Virology and European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians. She is co-author of the Manual de Inmunología Veterinaria and has participated in several Innovative Education Projects of the UCM such as “Basic Immunotrivial Pursuit” and “Advanced Immunotrivial Pursuit” and “Viropolis: a game to know more about Virology. Her research interest focuses on animal, both feline and ovine, retroviruses, mainly on the study of pathogenesis and immune response, the development of diagnostic methods and new treatments such as interferon. She is the author of numerous scientific publications in specialised international journals and has collaborated in the writing of books and science popularisation and review articles on retroviruses.
Dr. Gustavo Domínguez Bernal
He graduated and obtained his PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the UCM. He currently teaches subjects related to Immunology and Infectious Diseases both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. He participates actively in the popularisation of science by collaborating in initiatives such as Science Week or by developing new digital educational methods as part of Innovative Education Projects. He is the author of numerous scientific publications in international journals and several review articles about the interaction between pathogens and host cells. He was a visiting researcher in several European countries. He currently focuses his research on the design of new vaccine strategies against viruses (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, PRRS), bacteria (Salmonella) and protozoa (Leishmania) that affect different animal species.
Dr. Alicia Gibello Prieto
She graduated in Biological Sciences from the UCM and obtained her PhD from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the same university. She has focused her teaching on the subjects of Microbiology and Immunology at undergraduate and master’s level and in specialised training seminars. She has participated in the writing and translation of several books on Veterinary Immunology and has designed and prepared educational materials as part of projects for innovative teaching in Microbiology and Immunology. Her research focuses on the use of microorganisms in bioremediation processes and on the pathogen-host relationship in diseases affecting aquaculture, mainly on the study of new diagnostic systems, mechanisms of virulence and/or pathogenicity, and on the immune response of the host. She is the author of numerous scientific publications in specialised international and national journals, in addition to science popularisation articles. She completed her scientific training with research visits at different institutions in the United Kingdom: the University of Leicester and the Institute of Food Research of Reading.
Dr. Esperanza Gómez-Lucía Duato
She is a Full Professor of Animal Health and has taught Microbiology and Immunology since the beginning of her teaching career, almost 30 years ago. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society for Virology (SEV), Group for the History of Virology (GHV) and Group for the Teaching and Diffusion of Microbiology (D+D SEM). She is also a member of the European Society for Virology. She completed her research training with long research visits at the Universities of Madison (Wisconsin), Harvard (Masschusetts), Oregon Health Sciences University, and Davis (California) and a teaching assignment in Munich as part of the Erasmus Staff Mobility Programme. She is the co-author of “Virtual Laboratory of Veterinary Microbiology”, “Viropolis: a game to know more about Virology”, “Basic Immunotrivial Pursuit”, “Advanced Immunotrivial Pursuit” and Manual de Inmunología Veterinaria. She focuses her teaching on the subject of Microbiology and Immunology in Veterinary Medicine at undergraduate level. In addition, she is the coordinator of the Official Master’s degree in Virology of the UCM. She researches on animal retroviruses, especially in bovids, small ruminants and feline species.
Dr. Guadalupe Miró Corrales
She graduated and obtained her PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the UCM. She is a Diplomate of the European Veterinary Parasitology College. She is a Professor in Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases at the Department of Animal Health of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the UCM. She is the Head of the Service of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of the Department of Animal Health of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the UCM. She is a founder member and currently President of the European Group of Experts on Canine Leishmaniosis LEISHVET. She is the Spanish Representative at the European Scientific Council of Companion Animal Parasites, and President of the Spanish Delegation (ESCCAP España). She is the author of several books and numerous publications and scientific articles on small animal parasitoses and infectious diseases. She has specialised in the health control of cat and dog populations and researches on various zoonoses such as leishmaniosis, toxoplasmosis and parasitic gastroenteritis.
Dr. Isabel Simarro Fernández
She is a Full Professor of Animal Health and focuses her teaching at undergraduate level on the fields of: Infectious Diseases, Preventive Medicine and Enforcement of Public Health laws, and Zoonoses and Public Health. In addition, she participates in the UCM’s Master’s degree in Virology as a co-coordinator of the specialty of Veterinary Virology. She is an elected Member of the Board of Directors of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital and was the Head of the Service of Microbiology and Parasitology of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the UCM from its opening in September 1998 to September 2006. She has published more than 40 articles in journals listed in the Journal Citation Reports. She is the author of various research and science popularisation articles in specialised national journals and has participated in the writing of several books.
Table of contents:
1. Basic immunology of the dog and cat
Chart 1 Lymphoid organs and tissues
Chart 2 Cells of the immune system
Chart 3 Recognition molecules in the immune system
Chart 4 Innate immunity
Chart 5 Adaptive immune response
Chart 6 Immunoglobulins
Chart 7 Local and general inflammation
Chart 8 Phagocytosis and antigen presentation
Chart 9 Cooperation in immune responses
Chart 10 Factors that affect the immune responses
Chart 11 Immunity at the mucosa
Chart 12 Immunity in the fetus and in the newborn
Chart 13 General mechanisms of the immune response against pathogens
Chart 14 Immunity against viruses
Chart 15 Immunity against bacteria
Chart 16 Immunity against protozoa
Chart 17 Immunity against fungi
Chart 18 Immunity against helminths
Chart 19 Immunity against tumors
Chart 20 Allergy
Chart 21 Non-allergic hypersensitivity reactions
Chart 22 Autoimmunity
Chart 23 Immunodeficiencies and immunosuppression
Chart 24 Immunodiagnosis
Chart 25 Immunotherapy
2. Main infectious diseases in dogs and cats susceptible to vaccination
General characteristics of viruses
Chart 26 Canine distemper
Chart 27 Infectious canine hepatitis
Chart 28 Canine leptospirosis
Chart 29 Infections caused by canine parvoviruses
Chart 30 Infections caused by canine coronaviruses
Chart 31 Canine infectious respiratory disease
Chart 32 Infections caused by canine herpesvirus
Chart 33 Canine babesiosis
Chart 34 Leishmaniosis
Chart 35 Rabies
Chart 36 Feline leukemia
Chart 37 Feline immunodeficiency
Chart 38 Feline panleukopenia
Chart 39 Feline infectious peritonitis
Chart 40 Feline respiratory disease
3. Vaccination
Chart 41 Vaccines and vaccination
Chart 42 Vaccination recommendations for dogs
Chart 43 Vaccination recommendations for cats
Data sheet
Specific References