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  • Pub date: 2015
  • Pub date: 40544
  • Pub date: 43525
Bone surgery in small animals - Book cover - Veterinary Book Bone surgery in small animals - Book cover - Veterinary Book

Bone surgery in small...

Price $95.69

In this book, the most common fractures in the canine species and the way to solve them by osteosynthesis are described. The first six chapters are devoted to the general aspects of bone growth and healing, the following chapters set out the various alternatives to address fractures and the different applicable osteosynthesis systems.

In summary, this book, thanks to its structure, the tremendous amount of graphic material that it provides, the comprehensible language, and its eminently practical focus, is of great use to both veterinary students as well as professional veterinarians specialized in traumatology, which they will surely use to streamline their decision making in their daily traumatology practice.

Husbandry and management practices 
in farrowing. Units II. Lactation - Veterinary book - cover book

Husbandry and...

Price $74.79

After providing a comprehensive review of the fundamental aspects of farrowing (physiology, facilities, organization, etc.) in the first volume, in this second volume, the authors focus on the next phase, lactation. From the technical and physiological aspects that affect both the mother and the piglet, to production targets, feeding, health programs on the farm, or personnel management. These are topics that will undoubtedly be helpful in the daily practice of professional veterinary surgeons. As in the previous volume, the authors have achieved a very practical book with rigorous contents, based on their experience and technical literature, accompanied by a large amount of visual material to complement the information given.

Ovarian Pathophysiology in the Sow.  Essential Guides on Swine Health and Production - Veterinary book - cover book


Price $48.39

Reproduction represents a key point in the maintenance of the pig sector in terms of production and contributes to the establishment of high levels of swine health. Therefore, useful tools should be provided to veterinary practitioners so as to minimise the impact caused by the most significant disorders/diseases at reproductive level.

PRRSv guide. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome - book cover - veterinary book PRRSv guide. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome - book cover - veterinary book

PRRSv guide. Porcine...

Price $48.39

The objective of this guide is to provide a practical summary regarding current knowledge and understanding of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS). The information presented is focused on clinically relevant and practical information to help field veterinary surgeons and farm team personnel interested in animal health.

Reproductive Evaluation and Ultrasound Diagnosis. Essential Guides on Cattle Farming - Veterinary Book - 9788416315550 Reproductive Evaluation and Ultrasound Diagnosis. Essential Guides on Cattle Farming - Veterinary Book - 9788416315550


Price $45.09

Handbook entirely dedicated to the most highlighted challenges of bovine reproduction in terms of ultrasound diagnosis. This publication has been developed with a practical and visual approach, using many resources (images, tables, flow charts, etc.) to help readers better interpret the contents.

Uterine Diseases. Essential Guides on Cattle Farming - Veterinary Book - 9788416315536 Uterine Diseases. Essential Guides on Cattle Farming - Veterinary Book - 9788416315536

Uterine Diseases....

Price $48.39

Practical handbook focused on the main uterine diseases affecting cattle and written by renowned authors with a wide experience in the control of these diseases in the field. Up-to-date information is provided for all these pathologies (clinical metritis, clinical/subclinical endometritis, pyometra...), with an emphasis on their diagnosis and treatment.

Bovine Mastitis. Essential Guides on Cattle Farming - book cover - veterinary book Bovine Mastitis. Essential Guides on Cattle Farming - book cover - veterinary book

Bovine Mastitis....

Price $40.69

Mastitis represents a major endemic disease of dairy cattle, being a very complex disease that depends on several factors and usually presented subclinically in herds. The treatment and control entails high costs and losses for the industry. The author has developed an accurate, visual review analysing the most highlighted features of this condition and pointing out the main control measures to prevent it.

Atlas of Parasites in Sheep - book details - veterinary book - Sheep - ELIAS PAPADOPOULOS Atlas of Parasites in Sheep - book details - veterinary book - Sheep - ELIAS PAPADOPOULOS

Atlas of Parasites in...

Price $92.39

Atlas entirely dedicated to the most important parasites and parasitic diseases of sheep, and written by a prestigious specialist in Parasitology with a wide experience in this species. More than 300 high-quality images have been included to show, among other things, the main parasites (protozoa, helminths and arthropods) infecting sheep, providing identification features to clearly distinguish between species, as well as the principal clinical signs derived from each infection. Each chapter has been dedicated to a specific anatomic system of sheep.

Visual Atlas of Dental Pathologies in Dogs - Book details - Veterinary Book Visual Atlas of Dental Pathologies in Dogs - Book details - Veterinary Book

Visual Atlas of Dental...

Price $87.99

Dental care is essential to prevent dental and oral health problems in dogs. It is nowadays a routine procedure for most veterinary practices. However, some dental pathologies are sometimes really difficult to diagnose and treat. With almost 400 high-quality images, clear anatomical illustrations, and descriptions of numerous diagnostic tests, this atlas constitutes a reference handbook for a quick visual identification with a clear orientation towards a precise diagnosis and treatment. In short, this is an essential tool for a better understanding of dental pathologies in dogs.

Diagnostic Ultrasound in Cats - Book Details - Veterinary Book - 9788416315468 Diagnostic Ultrasound in Cats - Book Details - Veterinary Book - 9788416315468

Diagnostic Ultrasound...

Price $122.09

This book provides new insight into feline ultrasound in daily practice. From cranial to caudal, the feline species has been thoroughly scanned, detailing for each body region the scanning technique, as well as the ultrasonography of both the normal and the diseased organ. In each chapter, key points highlight feline species' special features and help the reader focus on the most important. Several short ultrasound clips are also available in the electronic version of the book, increasing, even more, the interest of this book: an up-to-date text and several references to the latest studies.

7 Keys to Successfully Running a Veterinary Practice - Book cover - veterinary book 7 Keys to Successfully Running a Veterinary Practice - Book cover - veterinary book

7 Keys to Successfully...

Price $92.39

This book explains the seven key aspects that, according to the author, are necessary to successfully run a veterinary practice. These include, among others, working with objectives, discovering your values and making the most of them or managing conflicts. Each of these key aspects is addressed concisely and clearly, with numerous examples so readers can identify themselves with the situation.

Atlas of Tumours. Oncology in Daily Clinical Practice - book details - veterinary book Atlas of Tumours. Oncology in Daily Clinical Practice - book details - veterinary book

Atlas of Tumours....

Price $95.69

This book describes a practical, simple work protocol which may be useful to most of those first-opinion veterinary practitioners who have to deal with cases of neoplasia in their practices. It combines the experience in clinical oncology of a first-opinion veterinary surgeon and the knowledge of a veterinary practitioner specialized in this field, and includes a wide variety of images of the most common tumours in small animals as well as in exotic species. Some key aspects such as how to collect and send samples to the laboratory, and basic surgical techniques in oncology are also addressed.

Feline Ophthalmology. The Manual - Veterinary Book - Veterinary Manual - 9788416315116 Feline Ophthalmology. The Manual - Veterinary Book - Veterinary Manual - 9788416315116

Feline Ophthalmology....

Price $122.09

There is no doubt that cats are more and more popular as pets nowadays. It is therefore mandatory for veterinary surgeons to increase their knowledge on the diseases most frequently seen in feline practice. For that reason, the aim of this book is to provide the clinician with a visual guide to accurately diagnose and treat the most common ophthalmological eye disorders in cats. Feline Ophthalmology – The Manual is designed for veterinary surgeons in practice, final year veterinary students and those with a particular interest in feline species, especially in ophthalmology.

Pet Owner Educational Atlas. Diagnosis in Dermatology - Dermatology - Veterinary book - Carmen Lorente Méndez - 9788416315482 Pet Owner Educational Atlas. Diagnosis in Dermatology - Dermatology - Veterinary book - Carmen Lorente Méndez - 9788416315482

Diagnosis in...

Price $102.29

This second volume of the pet owner educational atlas about dermatology continues with the goal established on the first work: helping veterinarians in their communication with pet owners. This new work goes deeper into the specialty of dermatology and will therefore allow veterinary surgeons to consolidate and update their knowledge.

The Gastrointestinal Tract. Clinical Cases. Small Animal Surgery - Veterinary Book - 9788416315147 The Gastrointestinal Tract. Clinical Cases. Small Animal Surgery - Veterinary Book - 9788416315147

The Gastrointestinal...

Price $113.29

This manual on surgery, gathering 30 clinical cases, provides the reader with a better understanding to perform surgeries in dogs and cats with gastrointestinal disorders. Both simple and complex cases are addressed, detailing patient’s history, physical examination, surgical preparation and technique, as well as additional considerations. It is the intention of the authors of this book to present a series of assorted surgical cases related to the digestive system. Surgical situations of dogs and cats with a more frequent presentation, but because of that none less challenging, will be included. Some less commonly presentations, with their own puzzling demands, will be also addressed.

Main Diseases in Poultry Farming. Viral infections - Veterinary book - cover book - Emmanuel Baraza Sasita

Main Diseases in...

Price $92.39

Handy and rigorous book focused on the main viral infections in poultry farming through a practical and visual approach of the topic. Each disease has been thoroughly reviewed including the most updated information (aetiology, epidemiology, clinical signs, etc.) to facilitate its comprehension by the readers.

Broiler Meat Inspection - Veterinary book - cover book - Antonio Lara Moreno Broiler Meat Inspection - Veterinary book - cover book - Antonio Lara Moreno

Broiler Meat Inspection

Price $74.79

Technical book on avian inspection, written by an experienced author in this topic, which tackles the most important findings noticed during broiler meat inspection at abattoirs. After starting with an introduction about poultry inspection, the book describes the most significant conditions (pathologies, rejections due to poor processing, offal for human consumption) found during broiler inspection. Each chapter is divided in three parts clearly differentiated: definition, origin, and responsibilities arising for veterinarian/ inspector. A chapter entirely dedicated to animal welfare is included within this book. It is focused on the major aspects to be considered by veterinarian/inspector under compliance with current legislation. 

Coccidiosis. Main challenges in poultry farming - Veterinary book - cover book - De Franceschi - Mauricio Enrique

Coccidiosis. Main...

Price $50.59

This atlas provides an up-to-date review of avian coccidiosis: its aetiology, epidemiology, clinical signs, etc. Special emphasis has been placed on the diagnosis and control of coccidiosis on poultry farms, with information about the techniques designed to detect coccidia and the current vaccination programmes.

El calostro. Clave de supervivencia

El calostro. Clave de...

Price $43.99
La guía que le presentamos destaca que no todos los calostros son iguales: hay que profundizar bien en cada caso para conferirle al recién nacido la inmunidad pasiva que necesita. El libro, presentado de un modo manejable y eficaz, responde a las habituales preguntas que el veterinario se encontrará en esta tarea.
Manual de introducción a la radiología equina

Manual de introducción...

Price $73.99
Servet edita este manual práctico de radiología en clínica equina. Se trata de una obra con un gran contenido gráfico en la que predominan las imágenes radiológicas y la descripción anatómica de las principales estructuras visualizadas. Cada imagen radiológica va acompañada de una ilustración del posicionamiento correspondiente. El primer capítulo describe las generalidades de la radiología en el caballo y los siguientes capítulos se estructuran por regiones anatómicas. Las lesiones más representativas de cada zona anatómica se añaden como anexo en cada capítulo. Un libro muy manejable para su uso tanto en la clínica de campo como en el aula.
La veterinaria a través de los tiempos

La veterinaria a...

Price $79.99
Cuando conceptos como Razón, Educación y Bienestar se impusieron en la sociedad, la veterinaria alcanzó el necesario rango científico que durante siglos reclamaron ilustres personalidades vinculadas con la sanidad animal. La veterinaria a través de los tiempos trata de reflejar inquietudes, progresos, sinsabores, hallazgos y grandes hitos de una práctica que desempeñaron esclavos, campesinos, soldados, sacerdotes, albéitares... y veterinarios. De todo hablan sus autores en esta obra amena, didáctica y rigurosa, con excelentes aportaciones de numerosos profesionales, concebida como la contribución de Grupo Asís Biomedia al Año Mundial Veterinario.
Oncología veterinaria. Manuales clínicos por especialidades

Oncología veterinaria....

Price $79.99
Esta obra recoge todos los aspectos relacionados con el paciente oncológico, desde el reconocimiento de los síntomas, el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los tumores más habituales en las especies canina y felina, hasta las indicaciones y recomendaciones para ayudar a los propietarios en los momentos más difíciles. Además, y siguiendo el espíritu de la colección de ?Manuales clínicos por especialidades?, se tiene en cuenta el papel del propietario en la presentación y evolución de los casos y también incluye indicaciones y consejos para el veterinario.
Atlas de la necropsia aviar

Atlas de la necropsia...

Price $67.99
En su primer capítulo, estructurado por órganos desde la piel hasta el sistema nervioso, muestra la técnica de necropsia de forma sencilla, explicando cómo inspeccionar cada uno de los órganos, aparatos y sistemas y mostrando su aspecto cuando no presentan ninguna lesión. El segundo capítulo describe las patologías de las aves que habitualmente se observan en el matadero, a través de numerosas imágenes y siguiendo la misma distribución que el anterior. Finalmente, el tercer capítulo ofrece las pautas y metodología a seguir en la toma de muestras durante la necropsia para la posterior realización de técnicas de diagnóstico complementarias. Con sus más de 200 imágenes esta obra puede garantizar el máximo rendimiento diagnóstico del procedimiento de necropsia en las aves de producción.
Manejo reproductivo en ganado ovino

Manejo reproductivo en...

Price $92.99
Lejos de convertirse en un tratado de reproducción ovina, aunque con toda la rigurosidad y seriedad de sus autores, este libro puede convertirse en una obra de consulta rápida sobre todos los aspectos del manejo de la reproducción de ovejas y carneros, desde las técnicas de reproducción asistida, el manejo del macho, el cruzamiento, los calendarios reproductivos hasta el manejo del semen y la inseminación artificial, etc.
Guías prácticas en producción porcina. Recogida y manejo del semen

Guías prácticas en...

Price $43.99
La inseminación artificial (IA) es una técnica indispensable en las granjas de porcino, y su éxito depende en primer lugar de la calidad del semen utilizado. Esta guía aborda los pasos clave necesarios para obtener unas dosis seminales de una alta calidad que asegure el éxito de la IA. En cada capítulo se detallan las consideraciones prácticas de cada una de las etapas del proceso.